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CEO Days: Writing Your Attractive & Impactful Mission Statement

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Do you feel challenged to lead with solutions rather than addressing paint points with the way you talk about your business? Sure, every business is a solution to someone’s problem (no matter how severe or aware), but are you rallying a mission that others can get excited about? 

Building this passionate business of yours has been constructed piece by piece, from listening to your heart. It FELT GREAT every time you made a decision that was in alignment with your values and your desires, so why can’t we lead with that? 

Let’s re-write your mission statement with a more specific way to powerfully identify your personal brand, your passionate calling to do what you love doing. 

Rallying a mission and talking about the GOOD you will bring to the world is a heart-aligned way to increase not only your excitement in the way you talk about your business, but the emotional response people physically feel when they learn about what you do. 

This can be a game changer for your business when you are aimed at expanding your referral partners, networking, or simply wanting to reach more people who are absolutely game-changing ideal clients for you! 

In this workshop, we will focus on: 

  • What makes you offer "service"

  • If people didn't get helped by you, what would they miss out on most?

  • The world is better because of your business, how?

  • Your Tangible, visible mission looks like you doing (what) every day…

And of course, build our 30-Day action plan and brand new mission statement to add to your annual CEO Days workbook planner! 

This 2-hour workshop will bring you more clarity to move into the year with an outline of what’s to come. We will take a look at each month, what your goals are, and how to break them down.

Taking a step back, we will look at your overall mission for the year and establish a POWER WORD to help tie everything together. It’s like your power anthem to get the party started!

Join me for this (and throughout the full year) FREE 2-hour workshop to focus, get clear, and stay on top of working on your business. I host these each month with the community of business owners who want to stay intentional about living out the dream of running this business at their highest potential!

The Mission of CEO Days

 By 2030, we aim to abolish the statistic that over 50% of small business owners have to close their doors before reaching 5 years in business simply by activating the power of CEO Days! 

Our goal is to empower 100,000 entrepreneurs to embody each minute they spend in their business as the CEO they dream to be. Showing up consistently each month will give you direct access to: exchanging feedback, resources, and ideas, as well as engaging with a community, and a place to give your big ASKS to support you to overcome any challenges you may be experiencing.

Accessibility: CEO Days will forever be offered as a FREE Program to encourage all business owners, at any level or tenure, from around the world with a wide range of circumstance to reach the support to overcome obstacles of running a business. We do this through mindset, marketing, and sales preparation and simply by carving out intentional time to build a 30-Day Plan using visualization tools to keep you in alignment, as well as powerful reflection journaling tools to get a realistic view on what is essential to prioritize each month. 

Join each month for a complete experience:

Throughout each month at our CEO Days events, you can receive the entire annual experience that is broken down into four phases, one per quarter: The Plan, The Profit, The Pleasure, The Passion. 

By attending each month, you will have focused on the fundamental areas of building and growing a mission-driven business, completely aligned with the impact you wish to focus on 30 days at a time. Schedule each of our events in your calendar and make it a priority to work ON your business or reach out to the MKTG Brand for additional Strategy Sessions for a 1-1 deep dive into your business marketing planning.